When is your next program?

Subscribe to our mailing list on our homepage, Taylor’s weekly anti-racism newsletter and Kira’s newsletter to stay in the loop.

Why movement and anti-racism together?

Movement is a great way of processing challenging information. The workouts, meditations, walks and runs are not only meant to be informative and aid in foundational wellness techniques, but also provide a space to think through some of the things we're reading/watching/discussing in our programming. Both of us have utilized movement on our advocacy journeys and as ways to process the trauma that comes from experiencing and witnessing racism.

What is the spotlight organization for ACTIV-ISM right now?

Avenues For Justice is the spotlight organization for ACTIV-ISM. 15% of all program and event sales are donated directly to them.

What are the Community Guidelines?

See the Community Guidelines here.

Something else?

Shoot us an email.